Sunday, September 2, 2012

The White Party: Who, Where, When, Why and What I Decided to Wear

For those of you who read my fashion blog, Make It Work Molly, or even saw my Tumblr page or Instragram photos, you might remember an assuage of white dresses being displayed. These were some of the many options I went through for Tori and Jerry Jennings' White Party- held annually for Tori's birthday. The anticipation had been building for sometime for this event, as I heard stories about how fantastic it was the year before. And of course I know that any event Tori and Jerry have anything to do with will be amazing. Their wedding was like nothing I had ever seen, of course the most important part being seeing two people so much in love with one another pledging their lives to each other.

Forgive me for being somewhat sentimental, but really watching these two together whether it be an evening after work or one of their phenomenal events is something special to me. Anyone who is ever around them can tell how truly dedicated they are to each other. I pray that anyone I know can find that kind of love.

The love they have for one another resonates even through their parties. The both of them are so giving that they want to share everything with their friends. So much so that I am not sure even Tori or Jerry knows exactly how many people they invited to their soiree.

David and I met up with friends Matt and Evah beforehand and rode out to Tori and Jerry's home together. (A side note: if you are ever around myself and Evah together we will usually break in to some kind of story about a mutual former employer. I will not name said former employer except to say that our stories usually revolve around pre paid debit cards and repos.)

Upon arriving we first saw Mrs. Betty Ann Jennings, Jerry's mother, I have to say this lady is so special to me because she has worked with my mother for years at Stratford and was really there for us during a personal situation. This lady has a genuine heart of gold- there are not many out there like her. Once walking in Tori and Melissa (Boren) and Donna (Jennings) were putting out various food items and utensils. In typical Southern lady form I asked if there was anything I could do, was given a small task, and then I stood and watched as these very capable ladies finished up. It was at this point that I decided it was best if I joined David, Matt, and Evah outside. We would eventually make our way to watch the Alabama game. (Is there even any need in mentioning Michigan? After all they seem to not make it to the game.)

And of course we saw a ton of people included (but not limited to): Jonathan Andre, Ricky Hale, Canaan Marshall, Drew Jennings, Ned and Priscilla Esser, Coy Gregory, Elizabeth Evans, Al DeGraw, Stephanie Robinson and her boyfriend Andre, Chanda and Kevin Akles, David Quakenbush, Stephen Fulbright, Melissa and Beau Boren (and her cousin Jessica visiting from England), Jessica White, Blair and Brandon Melton, Amy Thomas, Katie Walden, Paul Griffin and Vickie, Misty and Scott Kiernan, April Moulton Beale and Alvin Beale, Bart Campione and his girlfriend Den, Travis Clark and Lindsey Hubbard.

And as always when I am around Tori I meet someone new who I am thankful for meeting: I must beg forgiveness as I cannot remember this young lady's name but she did introduce herself to me. Apparently we both share a die hard love of Fountain of Juice and she had seen me there before. She is Tori's massuese and also cleans her home occasionally. Of course I had to ask her to please get her contact info to me through Tori- perhaps I can blog about her massages sometime? EDIT- Susie is her name! Lord help me...

I do need to add the flowers from Petals Flowers and More were simply amazing- as was the cake and all of the food. (I need to get the name of who made that cake! Wow!)

I also have to thank Stephen and David for giving us a ride home- I never ever advocate driving even after one drink (if nothing else you might end up in Cuffed or another one of those publications- yikes!). We discussed going out and dancing downtown, it's probably a good thing we did not as I had forgotten it was Boys Bid Day at Mercer. Probably most everything was rented out however I would hope having been a former KA Rose and Lambda Chi Alpha Crescent Court member could potentially still carry a little weight. (Maybe- I say this tongue in cheek.)

I will say, the most fun part of the evening was the most unexpected. Sometimes, dancing in one's own living room like a moron with noone watching can be more fun than anything else.

This being said... I do love an excuse to also get dressed up and go out.... check out my Make It Work Molly to see what I wore!

Til next time folks... gotta get ready to go. Going to try and make it to The 3rd Annual VNA (Vineville Neighborhood Association) Labor Day Wine and Music Festival to see Abby Owens perform. And then off to see Ned and Priscilla Esser!


  1. Please forgive me if I forgot anyone... I am tired and I am sure I will remember more names later!!

  2. Oh and here is the direct link to my fashion blog ;)
