Thursday, January 30, 2014

Liven Up Your Winter Weary Home!

Hey check out this recipe idea from Smirnoff!

Liven Up Your Winter Weary Home!

Winter is here and unfortunately it’s not going anywhere. The holidays have officially concluded and you’ve put away all the fun holiday cheer and decorations. Sound like your home could use a little extra love? Here are some tips on how to spruce up your house or apartment during the cold, bare winter months. Shake things up a bit and rearrange your furniture and accessories. As temperatures dip lower, bring your focus inward by rearranging your furniture . By switching pieces of furniture from different rooms and repurposing them you won’t incur any additional costs and you’d be surprised how a small change can really liven up your home. For example, take a dresser from the spare bedroom and place it in the living room....Read More