Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Roaring 20's Revisits the Wise Blood House: A Birthday Soiree

This weekend was one spent with my children, but when I received an invitation from Leila Regan-Porter to her birthday party, I knew I could not miss it. Not only that- but I also skipped watching the Georgia game- and for those of you who know me, you know this is huge. (Granted, they were playing Florida Atlantic but still...)

When we first walked in the door we ran in to Chris Howard, carrying this lovely fur coat. I did not have the chance to ask what type of fur and it probably would have been in poor taste to do so- but I did think about it. 

Shortly after arriving we ran in to Jodi and James Palmer, who we had just seen at downtown grill with Joe and Evelyn Adams (who also attended the party). I always enjoy speaking with Jodi, perhaps it is because I have written for their publication, Macon Magazine, but really I think it is because she is one of those people who can carry a conversation with most anyone. That's a rather rare talent, and it takes work.

And to get a little sidetracked- if you are not familiar with Joe Adams' artwork, you need to be. I love abstract artwork and his is some of my favorite.

This type of party is one of my favorites, not just because the theme was carried to the 9's complete with gin filled tea cups and a thesaurus of 1920's lingo, but because of the ecletic mix of people. I always love to run in to friends from all different circles at one event, such as Stacey Harwell (former ADPi sister, minister at Centenary Church and girlfriend to Jonathan Dye), Eleta and Alex Morrison (we go back to our days at Mercer), Betsy Fitzgerald and Canaan Marshall (two of my frequent social companions), Marla Kaplan- who I once had an art class with at Stratford and apparently worked with Leila in Atlanta, Carly Carden- who I swear I am always running in to, and Carey Pickard- who let's be honest, it isn't a real party unless he is there. I even got to meet new people, such as Liz Fabian- although in a strange way, she didn't seem to be a new acquaintance given her long standing in the local news community- Harold Goodridge, who I believe I have met before and is also serving as a volunteer with Spirits in October with me- and Cory Albertson, who I learned was the person to introduce Tim and Leila, as he was an intern at Paste Magazine and when he left said internship insisted that Leila take his place. 

The view from the main room we were in was simply amazing- but even more so on this upper deck that we were on at one point. This was when I learned from Steve and Laura Bell about the wild chickens in his hometown of Fitzgerald- really that doesn't sound like as random of a conversation as it seems. Although I can't exactly remember how it came about. It was upstairs that I ran in to John Buckner, yet another Mercer acquaintance. 

Sarah Gerwig I think had the best flapper dress there, mainly because of the lovely blue color but I also appreciated her wig- as I was wearing one also ;) 

We also ran into Sherrie Marshall, who was my editor when I wrote for The Telegraph, and I have to say it's always nice to run in to someone who you have worked with previously in a more social setting. I always enjoy reading her editorials, so it was also nice to get to speak with her one on one.

I'll also admit to a geek moment, when I noticed that there was a signed guitar on the mantle and I actually recognized one of the bands: Ponderosa. You see, an ADPi sister of mine is married to one of the band members. So of course I had to say something to Tim. Yep. I was that person. But that's ok, I generally am.

But back to the topic at hand- it was a lovely party and I am so thankful to Tim and Leila Regan-Porter for being such lovely hosts! Oh, and if you are curious about the blog title- to explain a bit: the movie Wise Blood (from the book of the same name by Flannery O'Connor) had some scenes filmed in the house, as I have learned- and now so have you.

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